Dear Bingley: thank you for your erudite post. In regard to your query," Does inducing someone to have sex
with you under the impression that you are somebody else count as rape?)." I have a pertinent but sordid anecdote.
The medical laboratory in which I worked in WWII was located in penthouses atop the University of Santo Tomas in Manila. One of the penthouses was assigned to a Military Police unit. One day the CO of that unit showed me some photographs taken by one of his men. The first showed a coyly posing androgynous figure at an angle with clamped thighs concealing genitals. The second showed a furiously scowling effeminate male forced to stand facing forward with feet wide apart, with male genitals in full view.
A black male GI had been solicited for sex by the above individual dressed as a female.The black Sgt. was puzzled by the position of his partner under him, and reached down and found male genitalia that did not belong to him. Violence ensued, and the MP's were called, and the pictures I saw were taken.
So dear Bingley: tell me what charges should have been placed against whom?