vegitable rape is a green leaved plant with small edible buds-- it sort of looks like an anorexic broccoli, to which it is related, as are turnips, cabbages, and brussel sprouts. all of them are crucifer plants.. the leaves grow in pairs, on opposite sides of the stem, and a set of 2 (4 leaves) will form a cross or + pattern. (in NY is often called broccoli rabe-- its italian name.)

and since you live a more country life style than i do, do you still call garlic ramp? or do you jackie? it is a word i have only encountered in reading. i have never met any one who used it.

(and primarily grown up in canada, there is a food crop called rape seed, the plant is inedable, the yeilds canola oil. )

Not a food thread-- i want to know what word/s are used where for some items.. (yeah, i know the item are food.) but this thread was vering to hurt feelings.. and it was partly my fault.