A Cockney poet, too, Fal de Age? My stab hijacks a real phrase and subverts it for new use!

Rosie Lee
Old Nosey
Bought and Sold
Smells in Court
Grouse and Bells

‘I was that dry when I got in the cat that me belly though me throat’d been cut ~ “here,” I called out, “gimme a bitch of Old Nosey, girl, an make it quick!” “I can’t,” she calls back, “the milk grouses like yer grandad’s socks.” “Why’s that?” says I, an she calls back “Cause it was Sunday it was smells! I got some lemon, though…” “What d’you fink I am, girl? I ain’t putting anything orf of a Rosie in me marf!” says I, an ups and offs down the wash for a stroll.’