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1. The state or quality of being later or subsequent in time. Opposed to priority.
1387–8 T. Usk Test. Love iii. iv. (Skeat) l. 166 All thinges, that been in diuers times, and in diuers places temporel, without posteriorite or priorite, been closed ther in perpetuall nowe. 1587 Golding De Mornay (1592) 131 By a certeine maner and kinde of posterioritie. 1683 Cave Ecclesiastici 319 The Preposition+implies+a Posteriority in point of time. 1726 Ayliffe Parergon 110 This Priority or Posteriority of Birth comes no less in enquiry to the Ordinary. 1885 Salmon Introd. N.T. xi. 242 To establish the posteriority of two of our Canonical Gospels.

†b. Law. See quot. 1607. Obs.
1523 Fitzherb. Surv. 23b, If the tenaunt holde of two lordes by knight seruyce, of one by priorite and of another by posteryorite and dye, the lorde that the tenaunt holdeth of by priorite shall haue the warde of the body, be it heyre male or heyre female. 1607 Cowell Interpr., Posteriority is a word of comparison and relation in tenure, the correlatiue whereof is prioritie. For a man holding lands or tenements of two lords, holdeth of his auncienter Lord by prioritie, and of his later Lord by posterioritie.

2. Inferiority in order, rank, or dignity. Now rare.
1534 in W. H. Turner Select. Rec. Oxford (1880) 123 That the+Chaunr and Schollers might be befor them+, and so to spite the said Mayr and Comminaltie from their prioritie to posterioritie. 1644 Maxwell Prerog. Chr. Kings xv. 146 How can a Society be imagined without order? and how order without priority and posteriority? 1678 Cudworth Intell. Syst. i. iv. §36. 598 There must of necessity be+a priority and posteriority+of dignity as well as Order amongst them. 1704 Norris Ideal World ii. xiii. 571, I mean that order of priority or posteriority, according to which this application is to be made.

†3. The back, the back parts of the body. Obs. rare—1.
c1532 G. Du Wes Introd. Fr. ii. CCiij, Moyses by the graunt of god dyd merite to se his posterioritie [F. merita de ueoir sa posteriorité: cf. Exod. xxxiii. 23 mea posteriora], the whiche is to vnderstande his workes.

I can now coin a new word: posterioritise. (I was informed that weaponization should have a "z" because it was coined in the U.S., however, no such limitation applies to my word.)