I've enjoyed it so far, but it seems so terribly strange.

Probably a suitably creative course, then, Jazz. Go with it and see where it takes you - then treat that as the starting point for the *real learning experience, which is always the *internalisation of all those patterns and cultural threads you encounter in the world.

I agree with what others have said (and welcome to the board, Echo!) - reading is a major stimulus to the creative process, which at heart is about patterning and connections. Good luck as the course continues - I hope you get a real buzz from at least some of it!

and you'll also have the head start of having been warned about the architectificationists trying to steal your clothing!

PS: if the food theme has got you puzzled, I suspect they have taken that as a universally accessible starting point (for groups of students initially on several wavelengths?) ~ for an examination that is designed to stretch your thinking about form and function, art and utility.