>>You know, I think just about the only times I have ever seen or heard "irregardless" are when people are complaining about it. Maybe if we all agreed not to mention it, it would just go away.

actually, I have had the misfortune to hear it alot. hopefully, I will hear it less often now that you've disclaimed it.

incidentally, another of my pet peeves is people complaining that the misuse of the word "hopefully" is the end of civilization (as we know it).

>>On a similar note, an article from English Today on the OED Online says that it mentions
pneumonoultramicroscipicsilicovolcanoconiosis as occurring chiefly as an example of a very long word.

the longest word in the first edition of the OED was floccinaucinihilipilification - the categorizing of something as worthless - a very useful word indeed.