Pssshhhh, those Fear Factor and Survivor contestants are weenies. There, I've said it. It's out in the open.

Seriously, I was in the air cadets and we ate worse things during survival camp. If someone is starving you'd think he'd get over his qualms and just eat the darn rat or worm. Protein, protein, protein.

And they are always in these hot places. Just let them be plopped down in the middle of a forest in the middle of a Canadian winter and see how many are left after the what, eight weeks.

I have trouble watching those shows because they frustrate me. I didn't watch more than one show of the first two and the first episode of this current one. In this first episode a group was trying to carry mounds of stuff on a stretcher and had to stop every 50 feet or so to pick up something that fell off. Well, how can you not think they are dingbats when they have a rope hanging from the side of the stretcher and a net in their packs. Um, tie up your load folks.

As to the crickets crawling back up your throat: the acid in your stomach can dissolve metal. I would think it would make short order of a cricket. I think they were just trying to make it look more disgusting.