Helen queries: Is this really AnnaS?

Yup! 'fraid you can't blame my prolonged absences on Faldage (though we can merrily blame a lot of other things on him; in particular, the propagation of pathetic poetry!).

I don't come around much these days because 1) I'm settling into a new life in a new town, as some of y'all know; b) my trusty old 1996 Mac finally did die and we're saving up for a new one* and iii) there's not as much word/language-focused material here any more. But I'm not making a dramatic exit or anything like that -- when I get a machine up and running at home, I'll be able to participate more and, I hope, help contribute thoughtful/amusing posts about words. Yeah, words.

* and then I'll post instructions for Macs... if I can figure them out!