Goodness Helen, I could think of thousands given some time. Just off the top of my head, first as regards clothes:
- Men's seersucker suits, worn with spectator shoes
- Men's Fedora hats, once ubiquitous, even at a ballgame, where 3-piece suits and ties were also worn
- Men tipping their Fedora to a lady, or standing in the street with the hat off to converse with a lady
- Men in white tie and tails at the opera
- Men getting married in a cutaway with striped trousers, ascot tie and double-breasted grey waistcoat, boiled white shirt with picadilly collar, grey top hat (I wore this at my wedding)

- smallpox vaccinations which left you with a scar as big as a nickel on your arm
- cod liver oil
- 1 week in the hospital after having tonsils out, or post partum; 2 weeks after appendectomy; more than 2 weeks for other major surgery, such as gall bladder, amputation, etc.

Everyday tools, equipment, etc:
- eggbeaters
- stove lifters
- button hooks
- carpet beaters
- mechanical lawnmowers (i.e., no engine)
- the parlor
- the piano, usually upright, in the parlor
- canvas awnings and a swing on the porch
- straight razors and their strops
- double-edged safety razors and their blades

Enough for one go.