Several things came to my mind at one time, so here's a confused notion which was sparked by BelM's hippie post. I was interested in an article in the last Smithsonian Magazine about old cars still running in Cuba. This reminded my wife, who reminded me, of what we enjoyed very much 2 years ago when we were on vacation in Mexico, in the state of Quintana Roo, which is in Yucatan. Everywhere you went you saw those old VW vans which were so beloved of certain alternative-lifestyle types in the '60s. Complete with slogans and bumper stickers and the original paint jobs, now, alas, very faded.
Those vans, and the old Buicks and Pontiacs etc. in Havana, are little preserved parts of the past. Preserved, as a dear malapropistic lady of my acquaintance says, like a fly in aspic.

Not counting artifical creations like Colonial Williamsburg, do any of you know of other flies in aspic? One that occurs to me is the buggies and electricity-free farms of the Amish in Lancaster County PA and elsewhere.