(also, just to muddy the waters a little bit more, in my business, when we design a foam bath or shampoo, we create flavours instead of scents or aromas � I have NO idea why this is)

I've always used the word flavour to describe scented products. In fact, my husband is terribly allergic to anything scented, so we live in a scent-free household these days. However, when we're at the store and trying to choose between, say, "Sensitive skin Dove" and "Unscented Dove" I will ask him which flavour it is that he uses. Somehow the word fits the situation better. It's not just about the scent, it's the whole product - the texture, consistency, feel of it, as well as the smell. Like a flavour of ice cream, for example - it's not just defined by the smell. So we talk about flavours (or non-flavours, really) of soap and shampoo and deodorant in my house.