It is only by discussion that things can be resolved.

belM, I hope you will stay steadfast in your advocacy of open discussion.

These are not normal times.
We are all nerves and afraying. We are frustrated. We are at the heights of our passions (that is why some are not as meticulous in their pronouncements as they usually are.) There are many issues that as many people as possible have to be enlightened about.
Those who are articulate, those who can elucidate, those who can clarify, those who have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and information pertinent to these times--this is not the time to withdraw. The more truths are sown, the better for everyone.
Those who can enlighten must, with every chance, continue to do so.

Everyone needs to vent. It is cathartic. But we have to do the venting with civility and respect.
Remember we are all very fragile at this time and we easily hurt.
There is enough hurt already, we need no more.
I love everyone of you.