AVY WRITES: CapK and ByB you're entitled to your opinions that picking up a gun is doing the active thing, that Gandhi was "wrong" and in the present situation "would have had him impaled in short order." (emphasis mine)

I have to disagree with you K. Avy was telling Cap & BYB off because he thought they were voicing the opinion that the use of guns is o.k. (for Cap) and that BYB would have had Gandhi impaled. BUT this was not what they said at all.

AVY WRITES: I think in the present situation you have keep a control on your mouth.

Telling somebody to shut up is an incendiary remark wouldn't you say?
The term 'impaled' in the way Byb used it was correct. It was one of the ways Attila or Genghis would have used to get rid of an opponent. That is what he was trying to say. That if Gandhi had been faced with one of those two his peaceful method would have failed because they would have dispatched him thusly.

Aye, I do understand that Avy is from India and that Gandhi is a cultural icon but admonishing someone so harshly for something they did not say is wrong.

And K, if you are troubled or disagree with a comment made by Cap or Byb (or anyone for that matter) isn't it better to debate the point than to tell them to keep their mouth under control.

It would have made so much more sense, and been much more civil if Avy had disputed their theories, or brought forth reasons why he considered the guys to be incorrect. Just like you just did with me. I am not hurt or insulted by your comments because I know we are talking it out.

It is only by discussion that things can be resolved.