Avy, I don't know how you got that from CapK's or BobY posts. Neither one of them were advocating picking up a gun and neither one of them said they would have Gandhi impaled.

a) Cap simply said that in today's society so many people have access to objects of mass destruction that to wait 12 years, like Gandhi did, could mean the death of millions of people. He was NOT saying using guns is a good thing. He was nowhere near saying that.

b) BYB said that if Gandhi had been up against a Genghis Khan or Attila the Hun, instead of a peaceful Raj, he would have been impaled on the spot. He DOES NOT say that he would impale him. He is saying that Gandhi’s method of dealing would not have worked everywhere.

I’m sorry if this sounds harsh but seriously Avy, you were really rude the these two guys and for no reason at all.