TEd, there has to be a different word to describe some of these people. I agree that the people who hide behind the suicide bombers, who deny being the leaders when they are, they are the cowards. But the word in its ture meaning cannot be applied to those bombers.

Look at the definition (from Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary)

Coward n. 1. a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, pain, etc.; a timid or easily intimidated person. – adj. 2. lacking courage; timid. 3. proceeding from or expressive of fear or timidity: a coward cry. 4. Heraldry. (of an animal) represented with its tail between its legs; coué: a greyhound coward.

We can call these men vile, fanatical, evil – any number of things but the guy who drove the plane into a tower cannot be termed timid or easily intimidated. If so, he would not have proceeded, but instead he would have tried to save his own skin.

I think the wrong term is being used for these guys, that’s all.