For a decent stick pen, disposable, try the pen "Blackfoot Indian" pen manufactured by the Native American tribe of the same name. Lasts a long time which was an important feature for a reporter in the field. Found my first one in a military post exchange but have seen then in stationery stores since then. Good all 'rounders at a moderate price. They make other types of pens, too.
The only thing I could find for a link was a description in a travel piece (as follows)

"The Blackfeet's tribal headquarters and main commercial center is Browning (pop. 1,170), located on US-2 near the eastern entrance to Glacier National Park. Like many reservation towns, Browning has a desolate and depressing feel to it, but there are a couple of places worth stopping at, including the Museum of the Plains Indian (daily 9 AM-5 PM June-Sept., Mon.-Fri. 10 AM-4:30 PM rest of the year; free), near the west end of town at the junction of US-2 and US-89. Operated by the U.S. government's Bureau of Indian Affairs, the bland building contains a small collection of Plains Indian arts and crafts, mostly blankets and jewelry. Much more interesting, though harder to find, is the Blackfoot Indian Writing Company —maker of the finest Number 2s in the country, as well as Lindy pens—which you can tour informally (Mon.-Fri. 8 AM-2 PM; free; 406/338-2535 or 800/392-7326) They have a catalogue. The factory lies a mile off US-2 on the southeast edge of town, on the road to Heart Butte."
(bold and italic added by wow)
Edit: Tried the 800 number - no longer in service. Sorry!