
And then they grow up and join the job market...

From Secreatarie to meneger...

Wannabe astronauts are clicking onto Fish4jobs in search of work while more modest job seekers are unable to even spell the job they're applying for.
Research by Fish4jobs revealed that thousands of job seekers stumble over the spelling of some of the most commonly listed positions, including 'recepshionist' and 'meneger'.
Members of the typing pool elite have discovered 15 ways to spell secretary. Variations include 'sacratary', 'secrectree' and 'secreatarie'.
Fish4jobs found a high proportion of applicants looking for specialised work, the most sought after being astronaut, with slave at number six in the top 10 list and male porn star at number nine.
Genuine jobs advertised on the site have included lap dancer, tarot card reader and rectal surgeon.

Thanks to Jon at at Silicon.www.
... who presumably doesn't know the word proctologist...