æolotropy; or, the wind beneath our wings…

choose one:
a) a sudden change in wind direction
b) an embarrassing condition suffered by ancient aircraft and by Icarus wherein one's wings drop off
c) existing in a state of suspension caused by wind; applicable to germination of certain flora
d) a change in weather caused by winds blowing onto or off the mountains
e) the evolutionary process by which limbs become wings
f) bombast, logorrhea. from Aeolean, windy, and tropus, rhetorical figure
g) the tendency in plants to grow upwards, as opposed to growing along the ground (agoratropy)
h) in physics, the change in the direction of the flow of a system of vapors created by an increase in the amount of alcohol injected into a rotating, highly specific laboratory furnace
i) the flight of time
j) the process which enabled early amphibians to breathe air for longer periods and make the transition to fully developed lungs
k) change of electrical, optical, or other physical qualities consequent upon change of position; the opposite of isotropy
l) the process of water particles from breath condensing on glass
m) the amount of wind energy in the weather system
n) the change in the pigmentation of arboreal foliage attributed to the turning of season from summer to autumn