Bob, your post reminded me of a couple of things--one is JazzO's post to the effect that what are we about here, if not communication? It seems to me that the two of them are
trying to make themselves understood to each other, and probably doing a little bit of that in public, to try to bring an end in public to something that had been brought up in public. I know from personal experience that both of these people are as sweet as they can be, so I have a feeling that the whole thing was due to a misunderstanding which, as has been brought up before, is very very easy to do in this toneless setting.

In fact, one of the things I just did for the possible benefit of newcomers is to add a laugh or wink icon (good grief, anybody got any memory pills??). I believe I had become so complacent as to think that anybody reading some of the things I wrote would know they were meant to be humorous, when in fact they may have actually seemed like I was being insensitive or insulting.

The second thing your post reminded me of was the line that
"any man's death diminishes me". Well, when someone leaves the board, it is a kind of "death", as far as the remaining people are concerned, and I think that statement holds true here. But I have the firm belief that pretty much all of us are not the type to "take their toys and go home", and that includes these two nice guys. I love you both, and you too, Bob.