Bob: YES!
tsuwm: YES!
Max: YES!
wordcrazy: YES!

Oh, I agree with everything you-all have said! Thank you, thank you! This is a wonderful place, taking into consideration that nothing can please all of the people all of the time. This is not the first time that a great many of us have shown how very much we care about this place.
I shall try to be more aware, though, of how a newcomer may see things (hi, Wrangler!), but would also ask the new people to keep in mind that we "experienced persons" (!)
have our ups and downs, too. If anyone feels "jumped on", it is quite possible that the person doing the jumping is having a bad day, and their tolerance level is down, or perhaps they are just too short on time to realize how they are coming across.

I will confess now that several times, I have contacted persons who have been not posting for a while, and that some of them have come back (you know who you are-). Here is a partial list of whom I personally would like to see return to posting: Satin, Seian, lusy, Lucy, screen, michaelo, JMH where are you??, lapsus linguae, Marty, ammelah, shanks, Fishonabike (confess I didn't like your opening style, pardner, but you do have great posts!), xara, lukaszd, Solamente, Doug, whizzper, Father Steve, kummini, HouseWolf, des, Rusty, Nuntius, and doru.
Avy, belMarduk, Bridget, juanmaria, paulb, and Rouspeteur, I am assuming you all will continue to return and post as able.
NicholasW and Scribbler, I don't CARE if you're able--just make more posts, willya?