Dearest Dr. Bill--

It was I, not Brandon, who alleged the "ugliness". A little of that came from the rants about going off-topic, but only a little. We have had similar rants before, and worked through them.

It's been kind of interesting, since I made that post: I've heard from about the same number of men and women, and all of the women say they have also been concerned, and all of the men said, "What on earth are you talking about?"!

Though one of the guys suggested that the think black bar across the top could be having a subliminal influence on us.

Now--I freely admit total subjectivity in using the word
ugliness, and perhaps I'm a little hypersensitive right now anyway, but: there have been posts that mention things that to me are crude and in very bad taste; I guess the one about those military men that let that guy go out of the plane, while knowing that he was going to die just pushed me over the edge. I know that a lot worse things have happened, but to read about something that awful, here--here, my place of refuge, joy, and laughter--
just...just...oh, I don't want the joy ruined, I don't...