The board has become a community. Communities may have a common interest - language in our case - but they also have other concerns which get aired from time to time, or often all the time. Since so many of us spent a lot of our spare time here, the chances of all posts being purely language related are virtually nil. Here, I think I am fully supported by any even superficial analysis of the posts.

I was concerned when I saw Jackie's statement that there was an "undertone of ugliness" on the Board. I have seen people peeved, I have been berated by peeved people, but I have never seen anything which was not, au fond, meant well within its own context. I cannot accept that there is a core of "ugliness" in this forum, because I have seen no evidence to support the allegation.

Having said that, there are nearly 3,000 posts in Q&A which I am reserving for when I have more time, hopefully very soon. They could be ugly, but only if Faldage and AnnaS have fiddled with them behind my back.

Brandon, good luck in whatever you do.

The idiot also known as Capfka ...