I'm using more lumens lately to keep my monitor going than I'm getting from AWADtalk. The ratio of lumens is being far outnumbered by posts of darker colors.

Heavens! Are we becoming -- heaven forefend -- *parochial?

It seems likely that - over time - people will grow and change and so find new interests and there is a whole world of information on the Net some of which is even accurate!
So folks will come and go ... I am reminded of lovely Shoshonna from Israel who had to leave us as the tourist season began and her work increased ... I am glad she is busy but sorry not to have her with us . And there are many others like her.
Guess the Pooh-Bahs will just have to bear up and be anchors for this Great Experiment by Anu (bless him) and try to steer a steady course as folks come aBoard and then debark.

So, dear Brandon, wherever your voyage takes you :
Bon Voyage!