you might also note, as i and others, have pointed out, Keiva, in an underhanded, decietfull way, uses others. Above he used a quote of Musick's, to suggest that he and Musick are in agreement, when in fact, nothing is further from the true.

When its pointed out, clearly, without resorting to foul language, line by line, then, keiva just bows out, and says i should sleep on it.. he doesn't apolgies, he doesn't stop behaving in a decietful way, he implies, i am wrong, and he is the injured party.

Sit back and watch, he does it again and again.. The show is not quite a one trick pony, but it is a very limited repertoire. i'll do my best to point them out.. watch how he dresses up nasty underhanded remarks, (using others, names and words) to imply a that many agree with him.

let's call it trick 1-- a kind of switch and bait.

Trick 2, is that when his behavior is clearly identifed, he backs off, and suggests retreat. (sleep on it) he doesn't retract, or apologies. he suggests he is hurt by some one point out the truth of his behavior, and that he will kindly let us drop the subject.

Not that he ever drops it, when he thinks someone else has committed a wrong.. no, then its gets harped on, to be 'helpful", he brings it up, again and again.
trick 2 is "the double standard" .

a variation is of this is, when some one points out clearly, carefully and politely that he has been harsh or nasty, he suggest, well, maybe, and that he is going to wait for the marjority to weigh in.
if they do, and agree that Keiva's behavior is not pleasant, not nice, not fair, then trick 3 is dragged out.."every body is picking on me" "poor me"

there are few others.. watch for them.