angel at the time i posted, your's and max's were the only posts to respond to.
Max has requested, for various reasons, that unless the esponse is directed to what he had to say, not to reply to his post.

so i replied to your post..

i will edit now, if you'd like. i'll delete, and move the post it as a reply to Dr bill post..
the You (as i noted in the third paragraph (if not by you personally,) was a rhetorical you, to those who have have been ever so less than kind to Max.

besides, just last week you were advocting.

Let's talk about the word ignore. To ignore is to act as though something or someone doesn't exist, not to bring it to full attention.

Continue posting, and if a post by myself or Keiva or another offends you, then ignore it. Pretend it doesn't exist and go on about your business. Let's not tear this board apart because you don't agree with the words of another.

so why don't you just ignore my post?

i'm just checking mind you. i never heard the rules.. are there rules? it is rule that Max has to contribute valuable stuff, and can't delete it?