Thomas Cahill, in his book, How the Irish Saved Civilization, spoke of three enduring irish values, Beauty, Courage, and Generosity.

like many cultural value systems, parts are interlocked.. the irish see a terrible beauty in things other see as tragedy.. irish courage, is singular, personal courage. and it a value that is commonly seen in firehouses -- where the irish are often the dominant group. while fire fighters work as a team or company-- each fire fighter must display single handed personal courage to enter a burning building.. to be couragous, it to be beautiful. -- and to risk your life, to save anothers, is the ultimate act of generousity.

these values are very evident as you look at works of irish authors.. the tragic/ comedy by Synge-- Playboy of the Western World is a wonderful example.. but Cahill gives other.. and certain they where taught to me-- i clearly remember being told once when something frightened me, that -- there was nothing wrong with being frightened, but fear was no excuse for not doing something..

I was in my thirties before i understood what an anxiety attack was-- and then was so surprised that people were stopped by them. I realized i had such attacks, but it never once occured to me, that i was supposed to let them stop me -- or that i should do something to avoid them.. beauty can be achived in overcoming your fears.