I don't know if anyone else has posted these, but I got them a few minutes ago and laughed uproariously.

(from "The Globe & Mail" Newspaper - Canadian)

Spin Doctor: I’m dead. I’m biologically impaired.

Pharmacist: Taken at bedtime.

Detective: Finally, an airtight case.

Canadian Alliance Politician: With his beloved grassroots at last.

Jockey: Sailed over the bounding mane.

Séance: Medium: Let’s talk.

Podiatrist: Pied-á-terre

Plumber: The minimum charge to read this is $50 plus travel time.

Australian Travel Specialist: G’day from down under.

Crossword Puzzle Creator: I’m filling in my last crypt, I see.

Hairdresser: First I parted, then I dyed.

Pro Golfer: The final hole - one under.

Mining Engineer: Out of site, out of mine.

Computer Salesman: rip.com

Gravedigger: At least I didn’t dig my own.

Appellate Judge: Life lost its appeal.

Astronaut: Departed from this world, again.

Telemarketer: Dead ringer.

.French Ichthyologist: Fin.

Librarian: No longer in circulation.

Magistrate: He was a fine fellow.

Entomologist: He caught the ultimate bug.

Office Worker: Just another day in the cubicle.

Newscaster: This just in . . . I’m dead.

Radiologist: He saw right through everybody.

Electrician: His death was a shock to everyone, including him.

Baker: She’ll rise no more.

Southern Sheriff: Not dead, just a’restin’.

Spelunker: This looks interesting.

Pharmacist: He was a pillar of society.

Food Critic: The pork tartar was seasoned delicately.

Mobile-Phone User: cu L8r

Mime: He didn’t even say good-bye.

Children's Author: You hopped on Pop till he dropped.
Now he’s in a hole like a mole or vole.

French Teacher: Correct usage of grave. Trés bien

Temp: Finally someone filled in for me.

Auctioneer: Going, going, gone at 87, to the gentleman with the scythe.