just for fun (and 'cuz I'm bored with thinking about conspiracies) heres a play-by-play analysis:
1) possibly...
2) do they really race camels??
3) aren't all Arabic wars considered to be holy, or at least blessed by Allah?
4) that sounds like a scarab
5) I don' thin' so
6) ...
7) ...
8) a good one, but I don't believe it
9) I'm sure there's a word for this, but this ain't it...
10) another tassel? nope... [but I wish I knew the word for this, it'd be a good wwftd]
11) ...naah.
12) maybe...

there's a lot of sentiment here for "southern" concepts, but I kind of like the north... I think it's one of the bookends, 1 or 12. I'm going to say 12.