>>so which equivalent for 'guys' do you prefer? gals? dolls?? I'm sorry, but this reaction always amuses me because the alternatives are so few. I've found that most of my colleagues at work, when presented with a choice, opt for 'guys' over 'chicks'.<<

Ok, Tsuwm, you asked for it!!
Down here, thank you very much, you-all covers it nicely!
But, since you-all don't say that up there, I DO happen to
have some alternatives, as a matter of fact, ALL of which
are VASTLY preferable to calling females "guys"!!! OH!!!!
How are you ladies doing today? Would you fine ladies like
some lunch? If they all had some similarity, say they're
all in the secretarial pool, you can even say "types", as
in, Would you wonderful secretarial types give me some ideas? People and folks work well, too: People, let's
adjourn. I've enjoyed meeting with you fine people. It's good to see you folks again. You fun folks really liven
up the place. Even "female types" can work, if it's in the
proper context. Do you female types think adding a restroom would help? Even, facetiously probably, "you
persons of the opposite sex" would be better than "guys"!

THIS even makes me want to recommend that you use the term "you superior females"!!