the trailer for The Fellowship of the Ring

Anna's not the only one with a Mac now. My architecture school made us all get Macs. Apparently Apple and the higher education community are very interested in how having all of us using the same platform will work out. I guess it's a new concept. I'm enjoying my Mac.

(You can also see an iMac on PaulB's desk in his pic in the Gallery.)

Anyway, I've had the trailer for a while now and I've viewed in numerous times. (It's very nice.) I don't see how it's in Mac format, though. I downloaded it, all 17 megs of it, from and it's in a Real Player format. You can't view it in the Mac video player, Quicktime. Maybe you're trying to download a different thing.

Anyway, again, the trailer is nice. It's the same one that I saw in the movie theater. I'll try to give a basic run down of it.

Opens panning over forest then river with Gandalf voice over: "Legend tells of a ring created by an ancient evil, that gave it's wearer the power to enslave the world. Believed lost for centuries, it has now been found." Fades to view inside of Bag End. Door opens and picture of Frodo (Elijah Wood) appears.

Gandalf grabs Frodo's shoulder from behind, speaking frantically: "Is it secret, is it safe?".

Shot of hooded person on horse, then the ring in the fire. "This is the one ring, forged by the dark lord Sauron." Gandalf pulls ring out of fire, shots of masked person (Sauron I assume). "Sauron needs only this ring, to cover the lands with a second darkness." Shots of elven (I assume) women running among trees. Gollum-looking creatures and men with swords. Hooded men on horses. "He's seeking it, seeking it. All his thought is bent on it." Ring in fingers. View of windy path in forest.

Scene of Horses running across a bridge at night. Frodo voice over: "No one knows it's here do they, do they Gandalf." Horses knock down door. Text on screen: "ONE, It's power corrupts all who desire it."

Elven council. An elf (Faramir): "The weapon of the enemy is a gift, let us use it against him." Another elf (Aragorn): "You cannot wield it. None of us can." Another elf (Legolas Greenleaf): "The ring must be destroyed." Shots of Mt. Doom with voice over: "It was made in the fires of Mt. Doom. Only there can it be unmade." Huge army. Ruins of old castle on a hill. Text on screen: Only one has the will to resist it" Frodo: "I know what I must do. I'm afraid to do it." Shot of Frodo and Elven woman (Galadriel, I think). People on canoes with voice over: "One does not simply walk into Mordor." Group led by Gandalf walking in cave. Frodo voice over: "There is no other way." Text on screen: "A Fellowship of nine must destroy it." Frodo and others looking wide-eyed. Music stops. Frodo: "There's something down there." Voice (guess who): "My . . . preciousss." Growling. Pause. Majestic music starts with hooded men on horses. Numerous scenes of battles, horses running, people kissing, etc. Shot of Frodo putting the ring on. Then screen shows "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring." View inside. Aragorn asks Frodo: "Are you frightened?" Frodo: "Yes" Aragorn: "Not nearly frightened enough". Text on Screen: "The Trilogy Begins: December."

That was a mouthful. It's a very cool trailer. Somewhat inspiring. I can't wait till December for it to come out.