>my lovely Hilary

Yes, I still picture dear old Rhubarb in his tweed skirt, drinking pints of bitter and nothing he can say (or do) can persuade me otherwise. I think he's trying to cope with the beginning of a new academic year, for some reason he's expected to work as well as google, or in baby language, gurgle

Which brings me on to ...
I'm not sure Hyla was recommended to indulge in breast feeding personally (although I believe that the technology is available), still now you mention it Keiva, that's another image that isn't goin' away too soon.

Which reminds me, talkin' of images, now that Jackie and Tsuwm are carpal tunnels, does that mean that we are going to work our way through potential ailments. Just remind me to quit posting well before we get to the end of the alimentary canal! Haemorrhoid - now there is an image to contend with!

Jo f