Wow - an entire thread in honor of my little guy! I'm really, really honored and pleased.²

Simon Christopher is doing very well. He started out pretty big (just shy of 9 lbs.) and he's gaining weight at a rate of almost 2 oz. per day - Mama is feeling a bit like a cow, but the boy is thriving. He seems, by his size and alertness and all, to be much more than 1 month old, but I suspect the committee evaluating this particular specimen is a bit biased.

Best of all - last night he slept 6 hours in a row! He seems to be catching on to the whole circadian rhythm thing (at least the sleeping when it's dark out part), which makes life much easier.

Thanks so much for inquiring about our new little treasure, my AWAD family.


p.s. I had understood that, even though they live in some pretty foul spots, cockroaches are among the cleanest animals - perhaps that's how they survive in the filth. Can anyone confirm or refute this understanding?