I had thought sweet Keven might post about it, but perhaps it is too hard for him, so I am.
I was able to attend Carol's service, and felt that I was representing the entire board, since Keven was there as her friend as well as fellow board member. I got to see her picture--you could tell she was a lovely and loving person.
She obviously had lots of friends--there was SRO, about ten deep at the back. I heard someone say that there were people who would not be alive today, had it not been for Carol.
One of her daughters was still in a wheelchair from the injuries in the accident, for all the world holding court like a little princess. Both girls are adorable.
Keven had been asked to speak, and did a wonderful job.
That reminds me--there were two other board representatives there, in words not in person. WhitmanO'Neill sent Keven the Native American poem, which Keven did read. It was perfect. Maverick's poem got some attention, also, in its lovely frame on the table next to Keven's flowers. I saw one lady whom I believe was copying it down.