here are the "official" rules again, again.

in the normal course of the game only the contributors would vote. we've liberalized the rules to let everyone participate. my interpretation was that contributors get the two points for a correct guess, while the "onlookers" get one; also only the participants would be considered for application of rule 3. here are the rules again, as amended to date:

1. One point is given to each player for every vote (or guess) his phony definition receives.
2. Two points are awarded to each player who chooses the true meaning.
3. Three points are given to the moderator only if none of the players choose the true meaning.
4. Three points are awarded to any player who submits a definition which is similar or very close to the correct meaning.
5. If two or more players submit a definition per rule 4 (in the judgment of the moderator), the round will be thrown out with no points scored (or the moderator can disqualify obvious attempts to sabotage the game :-Þ )
6. A player may vote for her own definition but scores points only for those others she can bluff
into also voting for that definition.. (i.e., you can't get a rule 1 point that way!)

since we're trying to promote the game, anyone can vote but non-players will receive only one (1) point for a correct guess. should a non-player be the only correct guesser, he will be awarded the rule 2 points (2) and the moderator will be awarded the rule 3 points (3)

rule 5 has also been liberalized at the discretion of the moderator to award multiple occurrences of 'correct' bluffs, what with the high number of entries and all.

Bingley has also inflated the scoring [see intro ¶ and rule 2].