Now this is an interesting thread, to which I feel I can contribute from a basis of some expertise

The English rhyme on which I was brought up states:
Beer befor Wine, you will feel fine;
Wine before Beer, you will feel queer. (in the sickly sense, rather than any more modern meaning, of course.)

From an empirical point of view, I have done both, and have felt either fine or queer, without regard to which prder I drank in.

I have also noticed that mixing alcoholic beverages of any sort has a more or less deleterious effect on one - even drinking different sorts of beer in one session. Drinking Ale then going on to Lager always has a bed effect on me, compared with drinking a similar quantity of either without mixing.

BTW, Whit, to me, a "boilermaker's" is a mixture of bitter and stout - so called beause it was favoured in North East England shipbuilding communities, particularly by the men who made the boilers for ships engines - a hot and heavy job where much dehydration took place, necessitating frequent topping up of the body's cooling system. (that was their excuse!)

To put whiskey into beer is to spoil both.

However, there are some ways of consuming alternate types of alcohol that really seem to work.
Danish snapps (especially if you can get hold of the Jubilaeum snapps, which is a year old) is excellent if followed by quarter-litres of strong Danish Lager - Carlsberg "Elephant" is probably the best, but there are other that will do the job. I have sat until the early hours, consuming this mixture and putting the world to rights with my Viking friends without a headache or other ill-effects the next day.

Skol!!! Happy days, all of you