Dare I not continue when dear Avy sighs
That she'd like to see more before this thread dies?

And as turkey gestalt makes this existential scene
Can we read it's road-crossing as Fritz Pearls would a dream?

(Will a note help to clear the above bio reference
As one Frederick Pearls of Gestalt Therapy preference?--
And bring to mind works of his greatest repute,
"In and Out the Garbage Pail" and Esalen Institute?)

O Avy! O Musick! What you draw out from me!--
Do you plot these weird reaches of strange poetry?
Can a jerky b'youngbalt clue ignite crooked rhyme?
Is our turk such a fool, or just absent of time?
And can Jackie's new silence erupt with sweet light,
Or will it just add a notch to our deepening plight?
And all other rhymees ne're named in this breath
Pipe up or Jerk Turkey will soon meet his death!