Ohhhhh, *do* share photos, would you dear?

That would be the side and front views with you holding the number, right?

But I would maintain there is a big distinction distinction between Activism and Terrorism. Activism does not normally include illegal actions, or only at the civil disobedience level. Activism can include petitions, demonstrations, and organising enough people to vote for particular motions in any organisation. Activist (like pedant) is a pejorative term from those who aren't and a word of praise to those who are.

My activism was restricted to Anti-Apartheid marches in the 60s in UK, telling some other country how to run things (like we Brits always did until the US took the task over from us ). I did march all the way (66 miles) from Brighton to London alongside Thabo Mbeki. I can have strong and firmly held opinions and I do articulate them, but I rarely try actively to persuade other people to feel the same way, or feel that a strong action on my part would help rather than hinder. I tend to support the causes financially nowadays and leave the activism to those more temperamentally suited to the task.
[/philosophical rambling]