Are we ever never thinking?
I don't think so, Brandon. You know the expression, "train of thought"? If we say that these "trains" move on "tracks", then I think you can understand what I mean when I say that no one, as far as I know, has a "one-track
mind". That is, we all think about more than one thing at a time, whether we're consciously aware of it or not. Helen, I can't meditate: I'm like that came-to-life robot, Johnny Five--I'm always wanting, "input, input". Even under heavy medication recovering from surgery, I was thinking things.
So, even if we stop thinking of any one thing in particular,
a "train" that's been running in the background comes to the forefront of our consciousness. Even in "the zone" of writing, for example, the mind is thinking things like, "I hope I'm spelling everything right", "boy, this chair's getting hard", "I'm thirsty", or "I wonder what that noise was?".
On the other hand: I suppose we could have immeasurably small periods of non-thought: quarks of the mind.