Cast your votes please for:

1. A government bill rendered useless by the main provisions.

2. A headpiece, similar to a fillet, worn by certain gods of classical mythology.

3. A short, steep slope formed gradually at the bottom edge of a sloping field as material piles up against a hedge or other barrier.

4. The particulate material that is filtered out during the process of making "lambanog", a vodka-like drink made out of naturally fermented and distilled coconut sap.

5. Something threatening or dreadful represented figuratively as a thunderstorm.

6. The metal ring or loop of leather used to attach the jesses to the stand or to the falconer's glove.

7. In ancient Rome, a long squat stone table which served as an altar for ritual sacrifices by vestal virgins.

8. The first copy of the 10 commandments, which was broken by Moses in anger.

9. a rocky outcropping formed at the perimeter of a valley through water erosion around stones, trees and other natural occurrences.

10. A cold store created in rocky crevices, which according to Syrian tradition was cooled by evaporation.

11. The cuticle of a talon.

12. A rocky slope, specifically one descending from an excavated coal mine.

13. A disease of reindeer similar to mange.

In alphabetical order the players were:
Bingley; caradea; hyla; Jazzoctopus; maverick; rodward; Sparteye; squid; tsuwm; Whitman O’Neill; and wordcrazy.

We also have one player who sent an entry by email. She didn't give her board name, if she has one. Please let me know if you want me to use your real name or a board name.

To give those who use the board at work a chance to vote, voting will close Tuesday lunch time WIB, = 5 a.m. Tuesday GMT, = midnight Monday/Tuesday board time.

