As a kid, I was taught this ABC:

A for 'orses
B for mutton
C for yourself
D for ential
E for brick
F for vescence
G for police
H for [mm can't remember this one]
I for Novello [which just goes to date this chestnmut]
J for oranges
K for ancis [even I haven't got the faintest idea who on earth Kay Francis is, or more probably, was]
L for leather [which is silly really, as L is for leather]
M for sis
N for ence
O for the garden wall
P for relief [considered rather racy at the time]
Q for a ticket
R for mo
S for... [can't recall: someone named Esther presumably]
T for two [cf F]
U for films [UFA, apparently a defunct studio, if it's all too anachronistically obscure]
V for la difference
W for a shilling
X for breakfast
Y for goodness sake
Z for breezes [obviously not the Western Atlantic sort]