Thanks, squid! This give me an opportunity to reintroduce an old
twongue-tister I uncovered in a 19th century book of fun and games called "The Girl's Own Book." I work as an historical interpreter as a one-room schoolmaster at Historic Cold Spring Village in Cape May, NJ,, and I love to call young ladies up to the front of the class and have them try this!

It's on the same page as "Peter Piper" but didn't come down to us...I'd love to bring it back, and here's a chance for me to give it some new life! It's fun!
When a twister twisting would twist him a twist,
For twisting his twist three twists he will twist;
But if one of his twists untwists from the twist,
The twist untwisting untwists the twist.
And some more modern offerings:
Toy boat. (3 x fast!)
Unique New York. (3 x fast!) ....of troy?
The soldier's shoulder was sore. (3 x fast)
Rubber baby buggy bumpers. (3 x fast)
The big black bug bled black blood. (3 x fast)
But the most formidable of all to my experience is the following...we used to have people going on this, trying to say it just
once at normal speed, for hours...even though it's supposed to be said 3 x fast:
A box of biscuits, a box of mixed biscuits, and a biscuit mixer. Good luck!