Nicholas Cage

Well, remember it doesn't take a lot of talent to get a break when you're Francis Ford Coppola's nephew! You just kind of learn as you go along! Hollywood nepotism has gotten so out of hand that the talent pool has really been watered down. But with all the money that's at stake these days, I guess they figure they might as well "keep it in the family"...guess we'd all do the same thing if we were there...just human nature!

A Book for Poetry Lovers

I discovered the most incredible anthology of verse two years ago entitled World Poetry : An Anthology of Verse from Antiquity to Our Time edited by Washburn, Major, Fadiman. It contains more than 1600 poems drawn from dozens of languages and cultures, and spans a period of more than 4000 years from ancient Sumer and Egypt to the late Twentieth Century! ...poetry of all styles, all eras, all tongues. The editors chose poems of the highest intrinsic quality from all eras, not merely samples. And the translaters are some of the finest talents working today, many of them accomplished poets in their own right. It's a refreshing departure from the English-only tunnel vision of world literature so many English speaking countries have taught in the schools for centuries! And fascinating to connect with the words, images, and passions of ancient poets and visionaries!
W. W. Norton & Company, New York/London 1998.