A quote, I have a quote! "...let us reach into the inkwell jewel box and withdraw two sets of exquisite superscript signs--"for the right ear," for the left--and hang them from the lobes on either side of the word...(they) possess an understated, overlooked beauty that transcends the merely chic. (Do they not resemble, say, the windblown teardrops of fairy folk, commas on a trampoline, tadpoles with stomach cramps, or human fetuses in the first days following conception?)"--Tom Robbins, from his latest novel
I would normally type in the name of the novel if I had a clue how to underline book titles on this poor, handicapped half-a-computer I was given by my sister, and I just sent my flak jacket to the cleaners! (laugh) I don't have a clue how to use the cute little smiley faces either. So, if you are interested and can take it straight without the underline, let me know. Better yet, post it if you know it!:>
