Part of the concept of justice is equitable treatment and restoring balances. Where possible, the taking of an innocent life by a criminal calls for the taking of his. I reject with horror the modern notion that the death sentence is called for in order for the victims' families to have "closure". This is only pandering to the basest of human emotions and the desire for vengeance.

I agree with this sense of the concept of justice - but I feel strongly that life with parole takes away the life of the criminal (as well as keeping him out of society), and thus provides justice. Hammurabi's Code called for "an eye for an eye", etc., but I think we can implement the idea of a life for a life without killing the killer - we can take away his chance to live a life in society.

As to your point about "closure" for victims' families - I have never been even remotely involved in a situation where this was an issue, so I have a hard time saying how I would feel in the reality of it, but I completely, absolutely agree with you. This kind of thinking, which seems to be more and more eagerly represented by the media, is sick and twisted.