At the request of Sparteye, I will administer a couple of rounds of Hogwash (I think she just wants to keep me from getting too many points). Send me your definitions by Friday, June 8 at 4:00 pm EDT, and be ready for a new word Friday morning. I'm going to limit the number of definitions to twenty (20), though, so don't wait until the last minute. The word is:



A. A notch cut in pieces of a garment to assure that seams are assembled correctly.

B. The pluperfect form of the obsolete verb swive, to copulate with.

C. The overflow from the crucible that holds the molten metal during bronze casting.

D. To induce a vertiginous state; to make dizzy or confused (usually passive).

E. A sauce from Sweden.

F. An obsolete word for swept.

G. A vision or dream.

H. (adj.) Used to describe one who is wholly consumed with thoughts of another, particularly one who is inaccessible.

I. To follow a direct unswerving path, originally from SW - even.

J. The fulcrum of a seesaw.

K. Diagonally across from, cater-corner.

L. A flat-bottomed boat of Scandinanvian origin.

M. Puffed up, prideful display.

N. In the Wiccan faith, a circle of seven covens who practice together.

Vote by Monday morning, y'all. The only quirk this time is that two bluff definitions were very similar. I have combined the two into one, so as not to make them obvious, and if anyone votes for that definition, both submitters will score points. Sound fair? Well, too bad.