write a constitution for the world

Some guidelines:
1) The constitution must only be passed by e-mail or by word of mouth. This is World Environment Day after all. The official version should be the spoken version. The Chinese Whisper effect and homophones should keep the lawyers busy and off our backs for ages. (After all if the US Constitution was oral, you'ld be able to claim that you were entitled to bare arms and solve a lot of problems.)
2) Some suitable official language has to be chosen which is equi-disadvantageous to all world communities (Is there an ideographic form of Klingon?)
3) There shall be an introduction and a maximum of 10 articles of no more than 100 words each. You have to choose which existing article to drop for each new one after 10.

Unfortunately, I have the feeling that after the motherhood statements deprecating war and famine, and encouraging general virtues, any practical statements would raise a lot of heat amongst us. I can't even think of one at the moment .
