Electric and gas stoves do exist here...

Yes, it is the same in the Philippines but in remote villages a "stove" would be three largish stones positioned so that a round-bottomed clay pot will sit on it without wobbling. For an omelette, eggs will not be taken out of the fridge but under the house (which itself will be thatched-roofed and floored with bamboo slats) where the chicken will have their nests. Water will not be from a faucet but drawn from a deep well with a contraption made of a metal bucket attached to a long bamboo pole. This well can be a quarter of a mile away and the drawn water is brought to the house in a round-bottom clay pot balanced on the head atop a flattened turban-like, rolled braided pieces of old rag.
Since there is no fridge and market day is once a week, meats and fish are dried to preserve them and are stored in baskets that are hung from the ceiling to keep away from the cats.
Baths are taken not in tubs but at the well, with the minimum of privacy usually provided by a 3-walled construction made of woven nipa.
