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After seeing wow's post below, I went back and looked at the pictures taken of the process of building the airing cupboard, and could see no wiring to provide warmth, which actually could be hard to make safe, nor any way of forcing air through it. Things would be packed so tightly I would be concerned that mildew could develop.

Of course here in the tropics we don't need airing cupboards, but all my family have them at home in England. A hot water tank -- I think it's part of the central heating system -- is what provides the warmth. I don't think anyone's ever had any problems with mildew. Clothes only stay in the airing cupboard for a couple of days before being passed on to the wardrobe or chest of drawers, or being worn.

The question is of course if US'n households don't run to airing cupboards what do they do with their laundry during bad weather?
