What, pray tell, is an airing cupboard?

Geoff! You brought back a memory. When in Ireland I stayed with relatives and one day did some laundry and hung it outside. When I brought it in my cousin Patsy asked if I'd like to "put it in the airing cupboard awhile." I responded "I think they've had enough air, I just want then to dry!"
Then, she explained that an airing cupboard is a kind of large closet with shelves and places to hang things. The airing cupboard is built with warmth circulating through it so all dampness is taken out of clothes, linens, shoes etc.... I wish I had one in my house, to be truthful!
Hope that answers your question because that's the only one I know about. I would imagine airing cupboards are the same in England.
Any UK friends out there with a different solution?