Good to have you with us, f-s: I hope you will derive as much enjoyment from this board as I do.

I'm afraid I can't agree with you over the word "snout," though. To me, it has unfortunate connotations, being the prison cant for tobacco. However, couplling it with "freckled" does ameliorate its impact considerably and can be argued to have a pleasingly oxymoronic effect. (Assuming that one does, as I do, think freckles are really pleasant additions to ones face.)

There are few words that I do not like to say out loud. I love words and I love the sound of words, even when they make no sense to me - I love to hear Italian spoken, for instance, although I don't understand the language.

But currently, I like to have the chance to say "Prĉmonstratensian," - a fairly obscure sect of monks, offshoots of the Cistercian order, I think. There is a whole string of ruined monasteries of that orde round here, so I do get the chance, from time to time, to indulge that particular whim.